Today many of the charges for the G20 protesters were dropped. Many people were very satisfied with the decision to drop the charges. People felt that the police used too much force to keep the protest under control. Apparently innocent people were hit and brought to jail. The reason the charges were dropped were because the crown did not have enough evidence to support the charges. There were 90 charges dropped today. The charges that were dropped were for people that were inside the University of Toronto and were in the graduate studies building, the police raided the building and arrested 90 people for conspiracy to commit a criminal act. Many people feel that the arrests that were made were made with insufficient evidence to even convict the people.
I believe that the charges should not have been dropped. The protesters in the G20 summit caused endless amounts of damage, windows were smashed, police cars were totaled and many other damages were reported. I believe that if you cause damage to other peoples property you should be charged, it wasn't one person who did all the damage but there were many others, and just because many people did it, it doesn't mean that they are all not guilty. I think that the charges should be put through or at the least the people charged should have to pay back what was broken. The reason the police used great amounts of force was because people were attacking and would have caused harm to innocent bystanders in the streets. For these reasons I believe that the charges should be put through not dropped.
I personally think that this is a good thing. Mainly because some people might have been falsely arrested because most arrests were made based on photographs. If the police and crown had some hard evidence, then yes, they should have been charged. This is only my personal opinion though, but I still feel that if there was no evidence, there should have been no arrest.