Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Woman Accused of Faking Cancer Back in court

In Burlington Ontario a woman by the name of Ashley Kirilow, faked cancer to try to claim money. She shaved her eyebrows and shaved her hair to make it look like she was going through chemotherapy. She went to significant lengths to make people believe that she had cancer, she hosted events to raise money for a non-existent cancer charity. Kirilow is is facing six counts of fraud under $5000 and one over $5000.

I believe that doing something like this is completely and totally wrong. Not only did she steal from people who probably have friends or family that suffer from cancer but she took money for her own selfish reasons. I believe that doing this will also give people a very low sense of security when donating to a charity, this will stop people from donating to charity freely, people will want to do their research and it will take more time to donate. I feel that this person should have to return all the "donations" she received and give them back to the donor's. If she cant put together the money I believe that she should be sent to jail or be fined for the damage that she has done to many people.

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